New Year’s resolutions, 2020

Rob Mentzer
2 min readDec 29, 2019

I looked at my 2019 New Year’s resolutions. I succeeded in reading poetry and consistently bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, and I did okay-to-passable at a couple of other ones. I also resolved to stop looking at Twitter in bed, and I can report that I have rarely failed so completely at anything in my life as I failed at that resolution.

My resolutions this year:

Improve at photography. It is a skill I need to develop for my job, but it’s also an interest, and a goal.

Snowshoeing and kayaking. Both deeply satisfying activities, but which require a certain amount of planning and preparation to accomplish, which makes it easy to not do them, and so I resolve to fight that inertia.

Write poems. I wrote a poem in 2019 and it was interesting to do and I kind of like it. But, like, one poem? That is not impressive. If it is something I think I can do, then I should write more than one. This is a somewhat embarrassing resolution, but it’s good to have a creativity resolution so I am keeping it.

Participate in Paddlequest. I made a radio story about this event in 2019 and it was delightful and I want to be a team with Laura for it this year.

Send Christmas cards. I like receiving them. It would be nice to send some.

